Document Information
Thank you for reading our guide to ensure you have the correct documentation to hire one of our horseboxes
If you are looking to have more than one driver – please provide this information for all drivers (you will only be able to upload the main driver on the booking form – however please email with all the details of the extra driver)
Failure to provide the correct information, may result in your hire agreement being terminated without a refund – we will contact you if your documents are not suitable.
Driving Licence Images
We require an image of the front and back of you licence – unobstructed and well lit.

Utility Bill Image
We require an image of a recent utility bill (issued within 3 months) and the address must match your driving licence.
Utility bills include Water, Electricity, Gas, Broadband/Landline, and TV License.
Images need to be well lit – ideally scanned.

DVLA Check Code
Here is a guide to getting your DVLA Check Code so we can verify your licence details. Please note – each code is only valid for 48 hours.
You will needÂ
Driving Licence Number
Your National Insurance Number
Your Postcode

Go to
Enter the above information

Click on Share you licence information

Click on Create a code

Copy the code to add to our booking form